CNG Cascades
Type IV CNG Cascades with More Fuel Carrying Capacity
- Conventional Type I CNG Cascade accommodates 4,500 water litre capacity on a standard truck.
- With the same truck and payload capacity, Type IV CNG Cascade can accommodate 9,360 water litre capacity and hence more CNG can be transported.
- Depending on Cascade size required, optimum size can be designed & within truck payload capacity available.
- Guaranteed max size on any truck vis-a-vis other options & always more than double compared to Type I Cascade.
- Offers highest degree of structural stability and safe as the height to base ratio exceeds 2.5.
- Easy access to filling and decanting ports either at back or on sides.
- Strong and Sturdy Cascade frame designed. Crash resistant and easy access to cylinder valves.
- Cascade design facilitates airy and roomy structure.
- The entire 9,360 water litre capacity can be filled in `one go’ without compromising any filling capacity nor any additional time loss.
- Cascade design with single bank / multiple bank provision possible.
- Key prominent and visible branding space options.
- Reputed brand tubings and fittings used.
Mobile Refuelling Unit (MRU)
- MRU is used as a novel idea to bring the CNG to your doorstep.
- MRU Cascade unit with in-built compressor facilitates CNG dispensation to on-road vehicles anytime anywhere.
- Double capacity Type IV Cascade normally does not need refill during the day.
- Large gas carrying capacity lowers operating cost, to ferry gas between mother station and dispensing location.
Contact us on 91-22-7111-9999 / 9500 or email us on for more details.